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Your BEST IoT Smart Retail Solutions are Built with Avalue

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A Industrial PC Leader to Embrace a New IoT World

Provide solutions to different markets by delivering a complete range of products and ODM Services to our customers

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  • Reliable and Efficient Design

    Designed for excellence, elevating your operations

    High-level shock and vibration standards, stable performance with longevity support. Perfect for packing systems, forklift terminals, and self-service pickup points.

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  • Powered with Dual Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

    Ultimate High-Performance System for Your Enterprise Needs

    The HPS-ERSD4A is designed to meet the demands of today's compute-intensive applications, offering unparalleled performance and flexibility.

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  • Avalue Technology's IoT Solutions

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    Take a Journey to Avalue's IoT Solutions

    Diving into the Avalue's demo room to Develop Smart Healthcare, Factory, and Retail Solutions.

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Avalue Provides Embedded Computer Design and Production Services

Capability 2.0

Avalue's unparalleled capabilities lie in its comprehensive service, domain expertise, specialized R&D teams, and wide range of product lines


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