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  • Distributor Partner
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  • Remedi

    Remedi believe that Intuition in tune with innovation is a formula which creates the very best product inspiration. Uninhibited intuition encourages us to become more creative thinkers and follow our thought process to ultimate success. Remedi innovation is everywhere, our strategic choices are to trust and manipulate our product road-map into leading edge technology which drives market change. This philosophy helps us recognize what works and also what should be left alone.Remedi believe that Intuition in tune with innovation is a formula which creates the very best product inspiration. Uninhibited intuition encourages us to become more creative thinkers and follow our thought process to ultimate success. Remedi innovation is everywhere, our strategic choices are to trust and manipulate our product road-map into leading edge technology which drives market change. This philosophy helps us recognize what works and also what should be left alone.

  • Bytec Healthca

    Remedi believe that Intuition in tune with innovation is a formula which creates the very best product inspiration. Uninhibited intuition encourages us to become more creative thinkers and follow our thought process to ultimate success. Remedi innovation is everywhere, our strategic choices are to trust and manipulate our product road-map into leading edge technology which drives market change. This philosophy helps us recognize what works and also what should be left alone.

  • Goomedi

    Remedi believe that Intuition in tune with innovation is a formula which creates the very best product inspiration. Uninhibited intuition encourages us to become more creative thinkers and follow our thought process to ultimate success. Remedi innovation is everywhere, our strategic choices are to trust and manipulate our product road-map into leading edge technology which drives market change. This philosophy helps us recognize what works and also what should be left alone.

Strategic Alliance

  • Microsoft

    Leading platform of “Mobile First, Cloud First”Cross-platform services, transform into Internet of Things with Azure Enterprise cloud

  • Compal

    Procurement Power (Supply Chain) , Technology Support, Sales Channel, Design Quality Verification and Manufacturing

  • Intel

    Provides the building blocks to develop hardware and software for the Internet of Things


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  • marine pc


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