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Future Research and Development Plans

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

In recent years, Avalue Technology has expanded its product range beyond industrial computers, tablets, embedded boards, chassis, and others. It has also extended solutions into the High-Performance Computing (HPC) and vertical application fields. The company continues to integrate edge computing with artificial intelligence (AI), industrial Internet of Things (IoT) software and hardware modules, enhancing collaboration with open-source communities. Furthermore, it has developed partnerships with major international platform manufacturers to establish the energy of cloud platform computing and IoT services. After extracting and processing data, the goal is to generate commercial value for vertical application industries. Driving intelligent analysis and fostering innovation ecosystems through industry data is a primary objective.

The company's key R&D focus for the year 112 is outlined as follows :

■ Integrating key technologies such as AI、 edge computing industrial IoT, cloud computing, and 5G, Avalue Technology aims to drive intelligent innovation, connecting hardware devices. Through collaboration with key technology providers domestically and internationally, as well as science park enterprises, the company seeks to transform industries from traditional to intelligent. In vertical domains such as smart healthcare, intelligent manufacturing, and smart transportation, Avalue Technology is developing industry-specific applications to add value, fostering collaborative ecosystems and smart solutions within each sector.

■ Developing a high-performance computing server platform and solution tailored for specific industrial applications to meet the demands of artificial intelligence model training, machine learning, data analysis, image processing, precision medicine, deep learning, and other massive industrial data processing needs. Additionally, establishing a service framework for data streaming that can be deployed on frontend edge computing platforms. This is complemented by various industry-specific AI modules integrated into intelligent analytics and resource management systems to provide optimal solutions.

■ Establishing an artificial intelligence model training and deployment service framework involves developing integrated platforms for CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC hardware based on the characteristics of specific applications. This integration aims to optimize intelligent algorithms across various industries, creating effective inference engines. These platforms are complemented by related graphical software for diverse industry AI solutions.

Furthermore, a mechanism platform is established for remote deployment to Edge AI computing. This facilitates the processing of image computations, streaming, predictive analytics, and customer service data through AI recognition and cognitive services. This advancement promotes the evolution of medical image diagnosis, care, industrial AOI, and intelligent transportation innovative applications.

■ Integrating Industry 4.0, in-vehicle, and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) for smart manufacturing involves leveraging 5G and industrial Ethernet for real-time automation control and timely network technologies. This enables standardization, zero latency, and synchronization among devices, sensing devices, and systems in smart factories. The result is optimized intelligent analysis and proactive maintenance analysis.

Combined with high-precision location tracking systems and Edge AI machine vision detection systems, this approach facilitates the development of solutions for industrial needs with an Operational Technology (OT) focus. The design is oriented towards completeness, modularity, smart manufacturing, and automation-related equipment.

The company's long- and short-term business development Strategies

Financial Performance

Figure 3.2.3 Financial Performance

Avalue Technology's order demand increased in 2022, resulting in overall revenue growth, operating profit and pre-tax profit both increased.

Expected sales volume and its basis, the possible impact on the company's future financial operations and the response plan:

The company evaluates the sales of each major product based on the industry environment and market supply and demand conditions and considers relevant information such as R&D plans, business development, current order status and outsourced manufacturers' capacity enhancement as the evaluation basis. It is expected that the sales of each major product will be optimistic in 112.



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