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Green Design and Product Responsibility

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Vision and Commitment

Avalue Technology is committed to environmental responsibility, promotes green manufacturing and supports environmental protection activities with the aim of reducing energy consumption and eliminating the use of hazardous substances throughout the entire product lifecycle, from original design, component sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, use and disposal, and strives to improve environmental performance. In order to achieve a standardized and systematic management system, we have introduced and passed the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System dual certification in our head office and factory areas to identify the environmental impact of our supply activities, products and service processes, and to introduce control or reduction measures for items with high environmental risks in order to optimize our management in a systematic way.

Every year, each department adheres to the company's environmental safety and health policy objectives and management plan, and monitors the outcomes of the resolutions of the Environmental Safety and Health Committee and the Management Review Meeting to promote the company's environmental safety and health management, implement preventive measures and continuous improvement, and comply with environmental safety and health laws and regulations; at the same time, based on international laws and regulations, we strive to develop energy-saving products and provide customized solutions, promote a green supply chain, minimize the environmental impact of each link, implement risk assessment management and education and training, achieve the goal of zero major occupational disasters, realize the corporate vision of sustainable development, provide a safe and healthy working environment, and encourage our employees to participate in environmental protection and public welfare activities, in order to become a quality company that can cooperate with each and every colleague and each and every piece of land for mutual prosperity and well-being as the ultimate goal.

Green Product Strategy

Since 2021, Avalue Technology has gradually integrated environmental considerations into the product development process, and initiated a high-standard green product design strategy by the R&D department, encouraging colleagues from various departments to participate in developing more sustainable product designs and processes, and setting phased goals, and adjusting them at any time to construct the most suitable green product design process and reward mechanism for our industry. In addition to complying with international regulations, safety standards and environmental regulations, Avalue's products also actively meet the sustainable needs of customers, such as passing environmental labels, standards, etc., and fulfill the responsibility of green product management.

Green Design Management Mechanism

To meet the demands of modern consumers for environmentally friendly products and to ensure that the products can reduce the environmental impact at every stage of production, manufacturing, transportation, use, recycling and disposal, Avalue Technology has established a Green Design Management Mechanism which covers the following aspects:


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