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Message from the Chairman

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

This is Avalue's 22nd year. Through entrepreneurship, growth and transformation, Avalue has demonstrated its robust growth in terms of revenue, sales channels, management systems and number of employees. These business results will continue to improve over time, and shareholders, employees and customers should all be satisfied.

To be successful in business, we need to gather many professionals, invest many resources, and lead and manage in the right direction. As a leader, I have always been cautious and anxious to constantly create value for our customers, strictly control costs, focus on nurturing and developing talent, establish systems, and ensure the sustainability of the company. As the company continues to grow, we must face all stakeholders, and we should also fulfill our social responsibilities; to make our company and related companies sustainable and prosperous in the long run. In recent years, corporate sustainability and social responsibility have received global attention, and industrial development will no longer be based solely on economic growth, but also on social welfare and environmental sustainability. We still have a lot to do for society, the environment and the climate.

The ESG framework provides a system for global companies to learn together on this issue. It also provides a coaching-style evolution of corporate social responsibility, which I have been passionate about for many years.

This year is the first year of ESG for Avalue. We are responding to the United Nations SDGs, and we have clearly defined our goals using the GRI standards. We use the PDCA approach to implement them. From mobilizing the entire workforce to building consensus and execution by everyone.

Employee and social care

Climate change and carbon reduction strategy

Focus on industrial product strategy

I often look back to my original intention of starting a business to face the challenges of management. I can rely on good governance to protect my business and my fulfillment. But when I see that everyone has a common agreement to protect our society and the earth (ESG), it is a great fulfillment.

This is how companies should be sustainable!

Chairman of Avalue Technology

Alice Liu June 2023


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Not clear what the message is here. Pls. advise so I can reword.

