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Sound Career Development

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Employee Learning and Development Plan

Employees are the most asset of the company, and Avalue Technology is committed to providing comprehensive employee learning and development measures to enhance their professional and personal growth. We aim to unleash the potential of our employees, build a solid professional foundation, and create more value for the company through continuous education and training.

Our education and training goal is to enhance our employees' quality standards and operational capabilities and enable them to perform their roles and responsibilities in the organization. We have established a comprehensive learning and training plan to meet the needs of different employees. Our plan includes various courses such as professional technical training, self-development training, etc., to provide our employees with well-rounded professional skills development and growth opportunities.

In terms of education and training, we have clarified the division of responsibilities. The general manager approves the internal and external on-the-job training plans for the whole company, based on the annual budget and performance evaluation. The management units are responsible for compiling the annual training plan and registering the training results, to ensure the effectiveness and professionalism of the training.

Employee Learning and Development Plan

Our education and training goal is to enhance our employees' quality standards and operational capabilities and enable them to perform their roles and responsibilities in the organization. We have established a comprehensive learning and training plan to meet the needs of different employees. Our plan includes various courses such as professional technical training, self-development training, etc., to provide our employees with well-rounded professional skills development and growth opportunities.

In terms of education and training, we have clarified the division of responsibilities. The general manager approves the internal and external on-the-job training plans for the whole company, based on the annual budget and performance evaluation. The management units are responsible for compiling the annual training plan and registering the training results, to ensure the effectiveness and professionalism of the training.

In 2022, Avalue invested a total of 519 hours and 320 thousand yuan in employee education and training. These trainings not only improved the professional skills of the employees, but also stimulated their self-growth motivation. At the same time, we also encourage employees to actively participate in training, to continuously improve their professional competence and job satisfaction.

In the future, Avalue Technology will continue to improve and optimize the education and training plan, and through continuous investment and talent development, we expect to become the ideal choice and the best workplace.


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