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Risk Management

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Risk Policy and Risk Management Framework

The purpose of establishing the risk management policy of Avalue Technology is to identify and analyze the risks faced by the company, assess the impact of the risks, and implement relevant policies to avoid the risks. The risk management policy is regularly reviewed to reflect the changes in market conditions and company operations. And through training, management guidelines and operating procedures and other internal controls, it is committed to developing a disciplined and constructive control environment, so that all employees understand their own roles and obligations. Avalue Technology does not engage in speculative transactions of financial instruments (including derivative financial instruments). The audit office assists in playing a supervisory role and performs audits of financial and accounting related controls and procedures in accordance with the audit plan, and submits audit reports to the audit committee and the board of directors.

Risk Response Measures for Corporate Image Change

Avalue Technology aims to become a model governance company in its management and operation, and the company has always complied with relevant laws and regulations, valued the management of employee ethics and discipline, and required supervisors to lead by example. Up to now, there has been no situation of adverse corporate image. "Integrity, pragmatism, and seeking truth from facts" are the fundamentals of Avalue Technology's management and operation. While pursuing the company's operational growth and profitability and maximizing shareholder interests, it can also fulfill its sustainable responsibility as a company, and move towards establishing a first-class corporate governance image, becoming a trustworthy company for customers, employees and investors.

Risk Management Policy


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