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Social Well-being

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Avalue Technology has always been dedicated to giving back to society and caring for the disadvantaged, by supporting public welfare causes through donations, volunteer services, and other means.

This year, we actively participated in various public welfare activities, fulfilled our corporate social responsibility, and made contributions to the community.

In 2022, Avalue Technology participated in the following public welfare activities:

Disaster relief: We actively supported the post-disaster reconstruction work of the Hualien 918 earthquake, provided financial assistance, and helped the affected areas to rebuild.

Children care: We continued to pay attention to the welfare of disadvantaged children, donated gifts and supplies to orphanages in remote areas, and brought warmth and love to the children. We also actively supported the children's drama charity performance, provided meal subsidies, and promoted the healthy growth of disadvantaged children.

Firefighters' equipment update: We supported the New Taipei City Government Fire Bureau-Yuanshan Branch to update their disaster relief equipment and firefighters' equipment, enhanced their ability to cope with disasters, and protected the safety of firefighters.

Remote baseball team support: We donated funds, supported the training and development of remote baseball

teams, and cultivated the sports interest and potential of disadvantaged youth.

Community service: We actively participated in various local community charity activities, and donated rice

and living supplies to help the nearby disadvantaged families and provided them with support and

assistance in various aspects.

In addition, Avalue Technology encouraged employees to participate in public welfare volunteer

services, and provided paid volunteer leave, allowing employees to have more opportunities to

engage in community service, and participate in various public welfare activities, and jointly make

positive contributions to society.

Avalue Technology will continue to invest in these activities, strive to give back to society, and bring

positive impacts to the disadvantaged groups. These actions demonstrate Avalue's commitment to

sustainable development, and concretely implement the corporate social responsibility.

We thank all the partners who support public welfare causes, and let us work together to make positive

contributions to society and the future.


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