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Sustainability Vision

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Sustainability Vision

Since its establishment, Avalue Technology has been committed to addressing climate change's impact on the environment from a global perspective. By adhering to the RoHS and Halogen Free standards, we have demonstrated our dedication to sustainability and are qualified manufacturers under the IECQ system. We are excited to announce our participation in the GPM Light Professional green supply chain management system. Our products reflect our commitment to excellence through their use of pollution-free materials and processes. We encourage all suppliers in our supply chain to follow our example and embrace these sustainable practices.

We have adhered to international standards such as ISO 9001:2015 for quality management, ISO 13485:2016 for medical device quality management, ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management, and ISO 45001:2018 for occupational safety and health, achieving compliance in all areas. In addition, we aim to fulfill the requirements of ISO 27001:2015 for information security management and ISO 14064-1:2018 for greenhouse gas inventory by the year 2023, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations.

 In recent years, numerous global climate crises have highlighted the significance of ESG. Avalue, being pragmatic and sensible, initiated internal inquiries, set goals for energy and water conservation, regularly held eco-friendly events, and acknowledged colleagues for their resourcefulness and enthusiastic participation. We aim to achieve carbon neutrality in our headquarters by 2030 and align with the government's net-zero carbon emission policy by 2050.

We invite stakeholders to join us in our pursuit of profit growth, employee well-being, and forward-thinking practices. Through continuous innovation, we strive to implement ESG initiatives for all Avalue employees to generate meaningful impacts for all stakeholders. Let's collaborate and make a positive impact on the global environment.


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