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02 Nov. 2022

Avalue launches open-frame multitouch panel PCs – OFP-15W38, OFP-21W38 with 11th Gen Intel® processor

Avalue launches open-frame multitouch panel PCs – OFP-15W38, OFP-21W38 with 11th Gen Intel® processor

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, November 2nd, 2022 –Avalue Technology Inc.
(TAIEX: 3479-TW), a global industrial PC solution provider and a Titanium member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance, endeavors to provide a complete range of smart retail, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing, smart transportation and embedded solutions. Avalue has recently launched a new series of open frame models – OFP-15W38 and OFP-21W38. Featuring 11th Gen Intel® processor, it boasts faster computing performance which better meets the requirements of the IoT market, supporting low-latency response for time-sensitive applications, and able to execute multiple workloads on a single platform. Highly flexible and customizable, Avalue open-frame panels provide the perfect fit to customers’ requirements, making it Avalue’s best-selling series. The OFP series is suitable for use in a wide variety of scenarios, including factory automation, self-service kiosks and HMI applications.

Diverse I/O ports

Not only is the OFP series available in a wide range of sizes, i.e. from 7 inches to 21 inches, it is also designed with 4xUSB, 1xCOM, 2xLAN ports, and room for more USB and COM ports, meeting the need for further expansion and connection with various accessories. Furthermore, it also provides a large array of tested and certified accessories for customers’ selection, including WiFi and Bluetooth module, camera module, barcode scanner, MSR, NFC/RFID, and smart card reader.

Support multiple operating systems

OFP series supports multiple operating systems: Windows 10 IoT, Linux and x86 Android 8.1 (Apollo Lake). Maximum flexibility is provided as users may install the operating system they need.

Wide selection of installation kits

As the OFP series is designed for various embedded applications, Avalue has also provided a wide selection of installation kits to meet the requirements of different scenarios, including wall mounting, panel mounting and VESA mounting (*OFP-07W33 only allows panel mounting). Customers may select a suitable installation kit according to their own applications and requirements. For step-by-step installation instruction, click the videos below for more information:

Wall mounting: https://youtu.be/HI_m74nu4y8

Panel mounting: https://youtu.be/T1NlpF2FHZM

Visit www.avalue.com.tw for more information on Avalue products, or contact sales@avalue.com.tw to talk to our sales team.

About Avalue Technology

Avalue Technology (TAIEX: 3479-TW) is a professional industrial computer manufacturing company, who is dedicated to developing the x86 and RISC architecture products, including Industrial & Embedded Motherboard, Industrial Computer, Panel PC, System On Module, POS Terminal, Tablet, Software and various IOT ready products. Having expanded, Avalue offers its expertise on PCB/ Assembly/ BIOS version control and all types of after-sales services. An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO-45001: 2018 certified company; Avalue offers assurance to customers in every aspect of business. With headquarter located in Taiwan, Avalue has global subsidiaries, including offices in Shanghai, New Jersey, California and Tokyo. In addition, Avalue Technology operates an extensive distribution network to accommodate and serve customers all around the world.

Media Contact:

Email: pr@avalue.com.tw


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