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About Avalue's Sustainability Report

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Avalue Technology Incorporation  (hereafter referred to as Avalue Technology) is growing increasingly concerned about the impact of global climate change. Avalue Technology has consistently made efforts to benefit society and the environment.

It aims to imbue this commitment into the business culture by proactively publishing a Sustainability Report in 2023.

Avalue Technology aspires to extend this promise to all partner companies. Simultaneously, we will make public Avalue Technology's pertinent strategies, management policies, and accomplishments in the crucial areas of environment, society, and governance. Our aim is to adhere to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and demonstrate Avalue Technology's performance in corporate sustainability responsibility. Hopefully, this will lead to greater comprehension and faith among all interested parties.

Principles & Guidelines

 To ensure that all stakeholders with an interest in Avalue Technology have a clear understanding of our dedication to corporate sustainability, this report adheres to the 2021 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and aligns with the goals and action plans outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Reporting Scope

The report covers information from Avalue Technology's main sites in Taiwan (Liancheng road, Lide street and Taichung) and some data from overseas subsidiaries. The report focuses on management performance, comprising operations, environment and society. Financial information is based on audited data verified by accountants. Some statistical data is obtained from annual reports, government agencies, and relevant publicly accessible information on websites.

Reporting Period

Avalue Technology's Annual Sustainability Report has been publicly disclosed since 2022. This report discloses information for the period from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. To ensure project and activity performance completeness, certain content may refer to periods before 1st January 2022 and after 31st December 2022.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding Avalue Technology’s sustainability or the report, please feel free to contact us through the following means:

Avalue Technology ESG office

Contact Person : Carol Chang


Phone:+886-2-8226-2345 Ext.7107


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