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07 May. 2024

Avalue HPS-ERSU4A/HPS-ERSUTA High-Performance Computing Platform

Avalue HPS-ERSU4A/HPS-ERSUTA High-Performance Computing Platform

Boosts Deep Learning, Cloud AI Inference for Sustainable Future

(Press Release – May 7th, 2024 ) – Avalue Technology Inc. (TAIEX: 3479-TW), the global leader in industrial computing solutions, today announced the release of the HPS-ERSU4A 4U rackmount server and the HPS-ERSUTA tower server, both designed specifically for AI inference. With the rapid deepening of digitalization and AI development across industries and sectors, the demand for vertical industry simulation and prototyping is growing dynamically. High-performance systems that can run computationally intensive work at high speed are critical for financial market risk management and fraud detection, IoV vehicle telematics, big data analytics for genome sequencing in medical research such as hereditary diseases and mutation, analysis of earthquake data in search of new oil reserves, and even digital twin virtual prototyping across industries to shorten time to market and reduce development costs. Avalue high-performance computing systems – HPS-ERSU4A rackmount server and HPS-ERSUTA tower server, are critical in solving complex computational problems in real time, improve computing power and multi-parallel models, providing high reliability and accuracy for AI, cloud, edge computing and quantum computing, overcoming the most challenging projects.

    Avalue HPS-ERSU4A and HPS-ERSUTA high-performance computing servers are built with Avalue HPM-ERSUA server motherboards developed for the AI computing market. They are backward compatible with 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, and can also use Intel® 5th Gen Xeon® Scalable processors (codename Emerald Rapids), which are designed for edge inference under 10 billion parameters. The 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor is better than the 4th Gen in AI inference and high-performance computing. It also reduces environmental impact and operating expenses by lowering server power consumption, which is essential for high-performance processing of massive amounts of data over long periods of time at high speeds and at the same time. This makes Avalue's HPS-ERSU4A and HPS-ERSUTA high-efficiency server series the best solutions for businesses seizing new opportunities when riding the wave of digitalization and sustainability transitions. Furthermore, Avalue HPS-ERSU4A/HPS-ERSUTA system platform has low latency and higher throughput with upgraded support for DDR5 memory DIMM and PCIe 5.0 interface. Targeting cloud service providers requiring high-speed transmission and complex data analysis, the platform offers leading advantage in low-latency networking, quantum computing and edge computing.

    Avalue HPS-ERSU4A and HPS-ERSUTA high-performance computing servers offer a balance of performance and reliability, and energy consumption and safety. The servers also offer ODM/OEM customization service, reliable server power supply, built-in Intel® Deep Learning Boost (Intel® DL Boost) technology (including Intel® AVX-512 VNNI, AVX-512 BF16 and AMX), and utilize built-in accelerator to speed up performance of heavy AI workloads. Like other products in the HPS series, Avalue HPS-ERSU4A and HPS-ERSUTA are available as L6 barebone system or L10 fully assembled system depending on customer’s requirement, giving it high expandability and fast deployment, lowering the total cost of ownership. Providing comprehensive solutions and services, Avalue HPS-ERSU4A and HPSERSUTA high-performance computing servers are exceptional, reliable and energy-efficient when handling complex simulation and heavy workloads in AI inference and cloud computing, exceling in sustainable supercomputing.


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