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Occupational Health and Safety

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2022

Occupational Health and Safety

Employees are the driving force of our organization, and we value their safety and health as the basis of our success!

Avalue Technology adheres to the ISO 45001 standard and implements occupational safety and health policies and systems that cover all employees. At the same time, we pursue the goals of zero injuries, zero occupational diseases, and zero accidents, and create the best working environment for all employees.

We have set up a safety and health center to promote the safety and health operations, with a qualified team of occupational safety and health managers and administrators, who are registered with the relevant authorities.

We are committed to ensuring the safety and health of our employees, and continuously improving and enhancing our safety and health performance, leading to sustainable operations. We also strive to achieve the following goals:

• We are dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment that effectively prevents work-related injuries and promotes the well-being of our employees. This commitment is tailored to address factors such as the organization's unique characteristics, size, occupational safety and health risks, and opportunities.

• We comply with all applicable occupational safety and health regulations and other requirements.

• We evaluate hazards and reduce occupational safety and health risks.

• We continuously enhance the system for managing occupational safety and health.

• We foster open communication and active participation between workers and their representatives in all aspects related to occupational safety and health.


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